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Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care

chapelAll patients experience emotional and spiritual needs, regardless of how unexpected or traumatic the reason for their hospital stay. The Witham Pastoral Care group offers patients and their families emotional and spiritual care in multiple ways. For some, we talk and listen. Others simply desire us to sit with them. Additionally, we can provide religious and spiritual resources, information about church or chapel services, and transportation to our hospital chapel. Whatever you need, we strive to be attentive and responsive to your requests in a timely manner.


Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care 

We are available to provide spiritual guidance through prayer, ritual, sacrament or help our patients connect to their religious communities.  

The Pastoral Care Department also provides:

  • Memorial Services
  • No One Dies Alone Program
  • Ash Wednesday Service
  • Blessing of the Hands twice a year
  • Community Family Wellness Seminarstained glass


Witham has a prayer chapel on the first floor of the hospital near the Main Entrance. It is always open, allowing individuals a quiet place for reflection and prayer. 

Care Notes 

By the Witham Chapel there is a brochure rack that include pamphlets that provide readers information on various topics, such as grieving, how to talk to children about death, aging, depression, and other more spiritual and emotional topics.


To contact a Chaplain please call 765-485-8000 or 765-485-8175.