Education Loans
Each year the Foundation provides educational loans to Boone County students and Witham employees. Loans are awarded to students pursuing degrees in healthcare professions. The loans may be repaid by the recipient once study is complete through hours worked at Witham Health Services after graduation. Since its inception in 1988, the loan program has provided more than $300,000 in educational loans to local students and employees. For more information see below. Questions? Please contact the Foundation Office.
Witham Employee Guidelines
Community Guidelines
Pictured above are past loan recipients, from left are; Emily Methany, Emily Toney, Andrew Howe, Breanna Rawlings, Lindsey Meadows and Haley Shirley. The Witham Health Services Foundation is proud to provide assistance to local students pursuing degrees in the medical profession.
Need to make a payment towards your education loan?
Questions? Please Contact:
Witham Health Services Foundation
2705 N. Lebanon Street, Suite 115
Lebanon, IN 46052
Phone: 765-485-8112
Fax: 765-485-8139