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By now, we all know the drill.

Social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands are obvious and driven home each day.

This is our defence. What's our offence?

What’s our offense?..........It is now more important than ever to get the vaccine and the booster!

A balance nervous system will help too. Without a balanced nervous system your immune system cannot function optimally.

We have to understand stress. These past 2 years we have all been under a lot of it! We need to manage it, learn ways to reframe our conversations about stress, learn ways to recover, learn to breathe correctly, get a good night’s sleep and have enough white space or downtime in our day.

Are you drinking enough water? Add a lemon if you like. Drink half your bodyweight in ounces of water each and every day.

Get your vitamin C! Supplements are ok, but getting it from the source is always preferred by the body. Nutrients in isolation are never ideal. Citrus fruits, bell peppers, strawberries, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, etc.

Vitamin D from sunlight, D3, selenium & zinc from Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. Salmon, tuna, egg yolks, cod liver oil, mushrooms, etc.

Get your gut healthy! That’s where the immune system lives. Eating real whole foods has never been more important. Sauerkraut, apples, berries, oatmeal, bananas, dark green leafy vegetables. Ditch the Frankenfoods! (Fast food, Chips, Soda, Pastries, Candy, Fried foods, you know your go-to’s) It’s just as easy to grab an apple or some nuts as it is to grab a candy bar, bag of chips or doughnut. It’s NOT HARD. Feeling lousy 30 minutes after you eat the junk is HARD. Being tired all the time is HARD. Being overweight is HARD.

Cut down on added sugar and alcohol. Focus on protein, fat & fiber. Eat enough breakfast to go 3-4 hours. Then, eat enough lunch to go 4-5 hours. Dinner & done! Gut has to rest, heal & reset. Intermittent fasting is here to stay…12-14 hours anyway. WHEN is as important as WHAT you eat. Be mindful of BOTH.

Exercise or movement bursts throughout the day. 5-10 minutes in the morning, 5-10 minutes on your lunch break, 5-10 minutes after dinner. Create micro habits of movement throughout your days. On days it doesn’t happen, who cares?! Get back to it the next day.

A calorie is not a calorie. We know so much more about nutrition now. Our micro biome is the mother of our immune system and our metabolism. Processed refined foods slow our metabolism and change our micro biome. Inflammation has an impact on all systems of the body and it starts in the gut. Heal your gut, heal your body and your mind.

To win this fight we need the defense and offense to both be on our team!