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It is that time of year when we are beginning to see an increase in people getting sick with influenza (flu). The influenza vaccination prevents an estimated 7.5 million people from influenza illnesses. Witham Health Services encourages everyone 6 months and older to consider getting vaccinated to protect you and those around you. Along with influenza vaccination the CDC is also recommending that you stay up to date with your COVID 19 vaccination. The COVID 19 vaccination may not completely ensure that you won’t contract COVID-19 but it does help to protect you from getting severely ill, being hospitalized and dying. Contact your Primary Care provider about getting both your influenza vaccination and the most recently released COVID-19 vaccination.

For your convenience the flu and COVID vaccines are both available at the Witham Pavilion Pointe Pharmacy. Please see additional information below.

Remember that one of the best ways to protect yourself during this influenza and COVID season is to wash your hands frequently.

Gene Davis, MHA, RN

Director of Infection Control

and Prevention/Safety Officer

Witham Pavilion Pointe Pharmacy

2705 N. Lebanon Street

South Pavilion, Entrance A, Suite 100

Lebanon, IN 46052

(765) 483-3900

COVID and Flu Vaccine Information

Available vaccines

Pfizer COVID initial doses – No Charge

Pfizer COVID bivalent booster – No Charge

Regular Influenza (Flulaval quad) - $35

High Dose 65+ Flu (Fluad) - $75


Mondays 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

By Appointment

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Call to make appointment