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Congratulations to Michelle Bowman, recipient of the Healthcare Professional of the Year Award, presented by Witham Health Services at the Boone County Chamber of Commerce Award Celebration on Thursday, March 6. 
The Healthcare Professional of the Year Award is presented to an individual in the healthcare field who demonstrates professionalism, eagerness to serve and quality leadership that go above and beyond the expected norm within their organization. They contribute to healthcare within the community by promoting healthy living, public health education or volunteer activities.

Dr. Emma Nordstrom presented Michelle the award stating “Michelle Bowman, LPN, has been a vital part of Witham’s family medicine team for over 25 years and I’ve had the privilege of working closely with her for the past 11. Michelle is the kind of nurse and person that goes above and beyond every single day and has been a mentor to many, teaching firsthand what compassionate, patient centered care truly looks like. Her professionalism and compassion never waiver she is consistent in her kindness and her commitment every single time.”

Michelle’s colleagues and doctors who have partnered with her over the years echo these praises saying that Michelle is someone who embodies true dedication to her patients, colleagues and her community.

We would also like to recognize following individuals who were nominated for the Healthcare Professional of the Year Award.

Many outstanding individuals from Witham and our community were nominated.

Tracy Autry – Waters of Lebanon
Michelle Bowman, LPN - Witham
SusAnne Castetter – Witham
Dr. Nicole Clark – Witham
Craig Corwin – Witham
Dr. Hagop Ghareebian – Witham
Rebecca Holloman, NP – Witham
Dr. Christopher Huffer – Witham
Dr. Michael McCarthy – Indiana Spine Group at Witham in Lebanon
Dr. Emma Nordstrom – Witham
Marcia Owens – Witham
Dr. Luke Pittman – Valiant Primary Care
Lacey Pulley, PA – Witham
Samantha Stewart – Witham
Dr. John Tuttle – Witham
Dr. Justin Wright – Witham
Dr. Tricia Wright – Witham

Congratulations also to Julie Reagan Witham Health Services Board of Trustee and CEO of the Community Foundation of Boone County on being named Business Professional of the Year by the Boone County Chamber of Commerce at the Award Celebration.

Julie Reagan recieving Business Professional of the Year Award