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Witham Health Service Maternity Center Rises to the Challenge 
Named INspire Hospital of Distinction!

Reducing infant mortality is one of Indiana’s most pressing patient safety challenges.

The Indiana Hospital Association (IHA), in partnership with Governor Eric J. Holcomb and State Health Commissioner Lindsay Weaver, M.D., FACEP, recognized Witham Health Services Maternity Center for their commitment to infant and maternal health at IHA’s annual INspire Hospital of Distinction recognition program. 

INspire, funded by the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH)’s Safety PIN grant, was developed to encourage the implementation of best-practice care for Hoosier moms and babies and recognize hospitals for excellence in addressing key drivers of maternal and infant health. Witham Maternity Center received the highest recognition based on six key areas of infant safe sleep, breastfeeding, tobacco prevention and cessation, social drivers of health, perinatal substance use, and AIM Patient Safety Bundles: Obstetric Hemorrhage and Maternal Hypertension.

“Thanks to the tireless work of our dedicated staff, Witham has risen to this challenge,” said Lynn Schafer, BSN, RN, Clinical Director OB Services. “We remain committed to doing our part to create a highly-reliable obstetric care system for moms and babies across Indiana.”

For more information about our OB or Maternity services go to https://www.witham.org/services/