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Witham is Proud to Offer our Community Paramedicine Program

There is a national and international trend towards utilizing licensed Paramedics for in-home "wellness visits" for select patients. While relatively new to the United States, these programs have been in place in Australia and Canada for several years. 

Witham Health Services is pleased to be a leader in offering this service to qualifying patients. With a primary goal of reducing re-admissions for chronic illnesses, this is also an opportunity to help patients with questions regarding their illnesses and medications. 

Selection Criteria 
Participants in the Witham Community Paramedicine Program must have an existing chronic illness and have the support of their physician to enroll in the program. Our focus willb e on those patients with congestive heart failure(CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, or a recent onset of coronary artery disease (CAD). The frequency and scope of home visits will be determined with input from both the patient and their physician. The program is not intended to replace the services of a visiting nurse, physical therapist, or any other existing in-home service. The Community Paramedicine Program is intended to work in addition to those services, and act as an extension of your primary care physician.


There is no charge for this service. 

Services Offered 
Paramedics are not doctors, but with this program can serve as an extension of one. All skills performed during a home visit are already within the protocols and scope of practice as set forth by our co-medical directors, Dr. Rena Zenarosa and Dr. Joe Moody. Some of the skills performed while visiting a client might include:

  • Medication reconciliation/helping the patient understand what each drug is prescribed for
  • Weight checks/assessing for peripheral edema
  • Blood sugar analysis
  • 12 lead EKGs
  • Vital signs
  • Blood draws (if requested by the PCP)
  • Fall risk assessment
  • Patient education

Following each visit, your doctor will be provided with a summary of the findings. 

For additional information, contact John Merson  
Phone 765-485-8275 